Plant care app with personalized reminders.


Plantpal, a mobile app that aids users in plant care with personalized plant lists and watering reminders. It offers care tips for various plant species, ensuring healthy, thriving greenery.

Personalized plant care at your fingertips

Product Designer



Android and iOS


Figma, Notion, Whimsical, Miro


Plant care can be challenging and time-consuming, especially for new gardeners or those with many plants. Forgetting to water or fertilize plants can lead to their demise.


Plantpal's goal is to simplify plant care management, providing a convenient tool to help users maintain their plants. The app aims for a simple and intuitive user experience.


1. Plant enthusiasts.
2. Individuals looking to incorporate more plants into their homes and gardens.
3. People with little or no experience with plant care.


Understand user needs and behaviors to enhance the app's user experience and effectiveness.


1. How do users currently manage their plants?
2. What motivates and impedes users in caring for their plants?
3. How can Plantpal better support and enhance plant care habits?
4. Which features are most useful in a plant care app?
5. How can the UI be designed for maximum usability and simplicity?


Major user stories for app's key functionalities and features
EPIC 1: Onboarding and User Profile

1. As a new user, I want an easy onboarding process to set up my profile.
2. As a user, I want to create and personalize my user profile with my name and preferences.
3. As a user, I want to choose my plant care experience level (beginner, intermediate, expert).

EPIC 2: Adding and Managing Plants

1. As a user, I want to add plants to my list with details like species, watering schedule, and photos.
2. As a user, I want the option to scan barcodes or search for plant information to populate plant details automatically.
3. As a user, I want to organize my plant list by categories like indoor, outdoor, or room.

EPIC 3: Plant Care Reminders

1. As a user, I want to set custom reminders for each plant based on its care requirements.
2. As a user, I want to receive notifications for watering, fertilizing, and other care tasks.
3. As a user, I want reminders to be adjustable, so I can tweak them as needed.

EPIC 4: Plant Care Guides and Tips

1. As a user, I want access to plant care guides and tips for various species.
2. As a user, I want recommendations for suitable soil, light, and humidity levels.
3. As a user, I want to explore troubleshooting tips for common plant issues.

EPIC 5: User Education and Community

1. As a user, I want to join a community of plant enthusiasts to share experiences and knowledge.
2. As a user, I want to access articles, blogs, and videos related to plant care.
3. As a user, I want to participate in forums or discussion boards for plant care discussions.

EPIC 6: AI-Powered Plant Diagnosis

1. As a user, I want to utilize AI for diagnosing plant issues by submitting photos.
2. As a user, I want personalized recommendations for addressing plant problems.
3. As a user, I want to track the progress of my plants' health over time.


As a user, I want personalized plant care recommendations based on my location, climate, and plant list.

Key Userflow

Primary actions in the user's journey